Sweet Benefits: Unleashing the Power of Local Honey for Dogs
Exploring the Power of Honey: A Natural Health Booster for Your Furry Friend

In the world of pet care, natural remedies are gaining popularity, and one sweet solution stands out - honey. But can dogs eat honey?
The answer is a resounding yes!
Not only can dogs have honey, but this golden nectar also packs a plethora of health benefits for your furry friend.
From soothing a cough to aiding digestion, honey is a versatile addition to your dog's diet.
In this article, we'll delve into the benefits of honey for dogs, how much to give, and why local honey, like our Hive & Hound range of Honey for Dogs from Smiley Honey, could be the best choice for your pet.
Get ready to explore the sweet world of honey for dogs!
Honey for Dogs: The Best Local Honey for Your Furry Friend
As a dog owner, you're always on the lookout for ways to keep your furry friend healthy and happy. You've probably heard about the benefits of honey for humans, but did you know that honey can also be beneficial for dogs? Yes, you read that right! Honey, especially local honey like the one we offer at Smiley Honey, can be a sweet addition to your dog's diet. But before you start spoon-feeding honey to your pup, let's delve into the details.
Is Honey Good For Dogs?
Honey, a natural product harvested from the hardworking honeybee, is a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals.
It's a sweet elixir that contains an array of nutrients including vitamin C, calcium, and iron. Moreover, it's packed with antioxidants, compounds that combat harmful free radicals in the body, thereby boosting your dog's overall health and immunity.
However, while honey is undeniably beneficial, it's also high in sugar. Like any other food, it should be given in moderation. Overconsumption can lead to weight gain and other health issues. In particular, the high sugar content can contribute to dental problems and potentially exacerbate conditions like diabetes.
So, the answer to the question, "Is it safe to give your dog honey?" is yes, but in moderation. It's best to view honey as a treat or supplement rather than a main component of your dog's diet.
As always, when introducing new foods to your pet's diet, it's advisable to consult with your vet to ensure it's a suitable choice for your individual dog's health needs.
KYNA: Benefits in HONEY for dogs
An exciting discovery in the world of nutrition and health is the presence of kynurenic acid (KYNA) in food and honeybee products.
KYNA is an endogenous antagonist of ionotropic glutamate receptors and the alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. This means it can counteract certain neurological activities, exhibiting anticonvulsant and neuroprotective properties.
In a recent study, KYNA was found in all 37 tested samples of food and honeybee products. The highest concentration of KYNA was obtained from honeybee products' samples, including propolis (9.6 nmol/g), honey (1.0-4.8 nmol/g), and bee pollen (3.4 nmol/g). Other foods, such as fresh broccoli (2.2 nmol/g) and potato (0.7 nmol/g), also contained notable amounts of KYNA.
Interestingly, KYNA administered intragastrically in rats was absorbed from the intestine into the bloodstream and transported to the liver and kidney. This suggests that KYNA from food can be easily absorbed from the digestive system, potentially offering its health benefits to those who consume it.
This discovery adds another layer to the health benefits of honey, particularly honeybee products like our Hive & Hound Honey for Dogs.
Not only does honey offer a sweet treat and general health boost for your dog, but it also contains KYNA, which could contribute to neurological health.
As always, it's important to consult with your vet before making significant changes to your dog's diet.
Can Honey Help With Allergies?
One of the most common questions dog owners ask is, "What is the benefit of honey for dogs?"
Well, one of the significant benefits is its potential to help with allergies.
Local honey contains small amounts of pollen, which can help desensitize your dog's immune system to allergens in your area.
This can potentially reduce your dog's allergic reactions over time. However, it's essential to consult with your vet before using honey as a treatment for allergies.
Honey For Skin Problems
Honey is a natural moisturizer and has antibacterial properties, making it an excellent remedy for skin problems.
If your dog has minor skin irritations or wounds, applying a small amount of raw honey can help soothe and heal the skin. Remember,
"Can dogs have 100% raw honey?" Yes, they can, and it's the best kind of honey for them!
Honey For Cough And Throat Irritation
Just like in humans, honey can soothe a dog's sore throat and reduce coughing.
It's a natural remedy that can provide relief for dogs suffering from throat irritation.
But remember, if your dog's symptoms persist, it's essential to seek veterinary care.
Honey For Digestion
Honey can aid in your dog's digestion. It contains enzymes that can promote digestive health. If your dog has an upset stomach, a small amount of honey might help.
So, "Does honey help a dog's upset stomach?" Yes, it can!
Honey For Weight Control
While honey is high in sugar, it's healthier than processed sugar. If used in moderation, it can be part of a healthy diet that promotes weight control. However, remember to adjust your dog's overall calorie intake to account for the additional calories from the honey.

A Word Of Caution About Giving Honey To Your Dog
While honey has many benefits, it's important to remember that too much of it can be harmful. So, "Can too much honey hurt a dog?" Yes, it can lead to obesity and dental problems.
Here's a guideline on how much honey your dog can have:
- Up to 10lbs – ¼ teaspoon of honey daily
- 10-20lbs – ½ tsp daily
- 20-50lbs – 1 tsp daily
- 50lbs+ – up to 2 tsp daily
What Kind Of Honey Can I Give My Dog?
The best kind of honey to give your dog is 100% raw, local honey. Raw honey retains more of its natural vitamins and minerals. Local honey can help with allergies, as it contains pollen from local plants. At Smiley Honey, we offer Hive &
Hound Honey for Dogs, a product that is perfect for your furry friend.
Other Benefits Of Honey For Dogs
Honey isn’t the only way bees can help your dog feel better. Bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly, and beeswax all offer natural health solutions. Bee pollen is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Propolis has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Royal jelly is a superfood that can boost your dog's immune system. Beeswax can be used to soothe and protect your dog's skin.
How Should I Give My Dog Honey?
You might be wondering, "How should I give my dog honey?" It's simple. You can add the appropriate amount of honey to your dog's food, or give it to them directly. Some dogs love the taste of honey and will happily lick it off a spoon!
A Final Word
Honey can be a great addition to your dog's diet, offering a range of health benefits. But remember, it's not a substitute for a balanced diet and regular veterinary care. Always consult with your vet before making significant changes to your dog's diet or treating health conditions with honey.
At Smiley Honey, we're proud to offer Hive & Hound Honey for Dogs, a product specially designed for your furry friend. Made with love in Florida, USA, our honey is 100% raw and local. So, if you're ready to add a touch of sweetness to your dog's life, visit our website and order today!
For more information on the benefits of honey for dogs, check out these resources:
Remember, the best way to show your love for your dog is by taking care of their health. And sometimes, that care comes with a spoonful of honey!